Monday, October 13, 2008

Amost getting it-

Page 119 is rich in Frye- "Rituals cluster around the cyclical movement of the sun, the seasons and human life." "Recurrence and desire interpenetrate" I don't think I understand what Frye means as concretely as he did but in trying to think about how the archetypal phase of symbols works I somewhat get it. The traditions of rituals in conjunction with what is happening in nature surely operate in side by side. It helps to think about the rhetorical political landscape and how words refer to the natural shift in things. Words and phrase captured by the media or more accurately edited by the media play on the "motifs and themes" that are most likely to fuse with a particular human emotion. It almost seems for me that in Frye's theory of symbols the formal stage is really fused more with the archetypal stage before anything else. Although understanding the formal phase or any other stage for that matter requires comprehension of examples it nevertheless operates hidden in daily rhetoric. Well, maybe not hidden but spoken plainly without hinting at what language is referring to directly. So far I may have convincing myself that this happens but not until others might suggest similar instances in class.

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